
“People need to be taught the love of music. And the love of god.
I have Javan roots. I grew up godless.
I spent five years in a South American jail. That’s where I met god.
The fact that I got out of there alive proves that he exists.
My brother took piano lessons. I chose judo. We were allowed one thing each. This was back in the ‘50s. Meat on the table twice week. I taught myself how to play piano.
I’ve been locked up five times. Eight years total. All drug-related.
The first time, in Spain, I was twenty. Franco was still in power.
Then Morocco in ’79. I’d bought a bit of hash for myself and my girlfriend. The judge wanted to give me a suspended sentence: 3 months and 16,000 dirhams.
Then he asked my girlfriend if she had anything to say. And she started ranting that everyone’s corrupt and that all the cops are smoking it too. Goodbye suspended sentence; hello jail.
This is my favourite piece: Bach.
He wrote it for his daughter.
It’s actually too cold to play. It’s out of tune.
I’ll be heading off to South America again soon.
Of course, yes. I know what to do now. I won’t get caught.
When I get back, I’ll have some money. I’ll call you. Maybe we can set something up. Something good.”

Translated by Richard de Nooy

It’s actually too cold to play. It’s out of tune.

It’s actually too cold to play. It’s out of tune.

This is my favourite piece: Bach. He wrote it for his daughter.

This is my favourite piece: Bach. He wrote it for his daughter.

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